The reason is simple. Trissy is suffering from a chronic disorder known as Lupas. There is no cure for this illness, the only way is to be on long term medication. Patients suffering from Lupas will have patchy skin colour and often have rashes.
During our school days, the other schoolemates who were oblivious about her condition will make fun of her skin discolouration.
Lupus can be fatal because it affects not only the skin but also vital organs like kidneys and lungs. Patients have very low immune system because the body system is not able to tell the difference between harmful substances or healthy cells in the body. Which means the immune system in Trissy's body will fight away the bad cells and at the same time attack the healthy cells.
She is oftenly tired, having fever and unusual bruising. She has difficulty breathing at times and the medication that is being prescibed to her causes side effects like mouth ulcers, vomiting and increased thirst. These drugs also contain large amounts of steriods. Upon long term consumtion, it can cause weight gain.
This photo above was how Trissy looked years ago. Her condition was rather bad and the docs had to pump up her steriod intake level to 50mg. The dose of steriods had caused her to balloon up all of a sudden and she became the joker of the school. Those naughty kids will make fun of her skin n how fat she was.
Years later, which is somewhere like recently, I had a catch up session with her. I've been rather busy with a handful of things and had not seen her in such a long time. When I saw her, I was stunted~~@@@@@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was expecting to see a fat lady making her way through the crowds and walk towards me. But ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
The pic above was what I saw !! Astounding as it may seem !! Gosh!! What happened to Fatty Trissy?? She looked so radiant and most importantly, SHE HAS SLIM DOWN!!!!
And she shared her secrete of successful weight loss formula with me. - ACUPUNCTURE SLIMMING !!
Wow~ its exactly the same local beauty lab which Jennifer went to.
Trissy was also given the 4 organic products as Jennifer.
How can it be? She's chronically ill and she has been on long term drugs for so many years. Wont there be any side effects if you mix n match medications any-o-how?
Trissy answered "No la, these products im taking are health supplements. Purely 100% organic from natural herbs and traditional Chinese Medicine. So, its perfectly OK to be taken together with the medication to control my medical condition."
She even went for a make over session to keep memories of her beautiful self. Trissy even bought the products for her mother. In the picture above, both of them are simply vibrant!! Trissy shared with me that the products can be taken daily as supplement to improve the immune system, bone mass and also maintain healthy looking skin and has an anti-aging effect, that's why she buy it for her mum too. She wants her mum to be young n healthy.
Currently, Trissy's immune system is much better. The docs have even lower her steroid intake to only 20mg instead of the original 50mg. Docs also say that her medical condition have improved tremendously and does not need to go for check ups as often. From once a month to now once every 3 months.
Trissy lost a total of 15kg during her treatment for acupuncture slimming. She is so much more confident than before. And obviously she looks prettier than before but most importantly, she is HEALTHIER than before.
Hmm ... now im wondering .... Is there anyone out there interested in acupuncture slimming? Or do u wana look like the sumo standing in between me n Trissy???
Hehehe ....
~=+Shynna is amazed+=~