6/01/2010 08:56:00 am | Tuesday, 1 June 2010
~=+Answers to a Cranky Person+=~
I hope that all the answers i given below will enlighten you and stop throwing all these qns to me at times when all my brain juice are all used up !!!
1) My favourite brand of bag is call
NARAYA. NOT gunaya or watever name u wana call it.
2) When using a false voice projected frm the diaphragm to hit high notes, the term is call
FALSETO .. not potato .. or .. .. -___-
3) How deep is the deepest sea bed?
Ans: The deepest point in the ocean is the Mariana Trench, located in the Pacific Ocean. It has a maximum depth of 10,923 metres.
4) How deep did the titanic sink?
Ans: 12,460 feet on the sea bed.
4) What is nibiru ?
Ans: a strange planet that comes through the solar system every 3600 years and causes major destruction.
5) What creatures can be found in de deep ocean?
This is call the sun fish
This is an angler fish .... 5000meters deep in de ocean.
THis is the colosal squid .. the largest of all species also 5000meters deep.
6) Lake within the ocean??
Ans: A team of scientists based in Japan and Germany has found an unusual "lake" of liquid carbon dioxide beneath the ocean floor.
it is 4600feet below sea level .....
Surrealistic Shynna